Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ringing in a New Era: the Historic Return of Nazi-Plundered Bells to Poland

Arkadius Guzy Bishop Gebhard Fürst blesses the bell from St. Albertus Magnus in Oberesslingen in front of the church in Żegoty (Siegfriedswalde), Germany, which has now returned to its homeland of Poland. At a service marking the return of the bells, Bishop Jacek Jezierski of the Diocese of Elbląg reflected on the historic and symbolic […]

Remain faithful to what counts, no matter the cost, pope says

Jesus says to have no fear of ridicule, persecution or criticism for being faithful to the Gospel, but to be afraid of wasting one’s life chasing after trivial things, Pope Francis said. “There is a cost to remaining faithful to what counts. The cost is going against the tide, the cost is freeing oneself from […]

Daily Rome Shot 729 – of wine, women and song

White to move. Not the easiest to find the mate in 2. NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others. The monks of Le Barroux are making good wine from the … Read More →