Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ringing in a new era: the historic return of Nazi-plundered bells to Poland

Bishop Gebhard Fürst blesses the bell from St. Albertus Magnus in Oberesslingen in front of the church in Żegoty (Siegfriedswalde), Germany, which has now returned to its homeland of Poland. / Credit: Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart/Arkadius Guzy CNA Newsroom, Jun 26, 2023 / 10:00 am (CNA). This past weekend, a German bishop and a German state […]

Vatican approves readings for Mass for self-restraint (Vatican News)

The Dicastery for Divine Worship has approved Scripture readings for the Mass ad postulandum continentiam—a special liturgy of prayer for self-restraint. The decree from the Vatican dicastery indicated: The Mass ad postulandum continentiam, which is among the special liturgical celebrations included in the Roman Missal, may be celebrated for the intentions of any baptized person, […]

Pope writes thanks to hospital staff (Vatican News)

Pope Francis has written a note of thanks to the staff at Gemelli Hospital for the care he received during his 9-day stay there for intestinal surgery. “In that place of suffering and hope, I was once again able to enjoy the family-like, fraternal, and welcoming atmosphere, which was greatly helpful for my recovery after […]

Council of Cardinals meeting this week (Vatican Press Office)

The Council of Cardinals is meeting in Rome this week, with Pope Francis in attendance at the June 26 session. The Vatican has not disclosed the agenda for the Council’s discussions. At the last meeting, in April, the Council—which was originally created to assist the Pope in planning the reform of the Roman Curia—discussed peacemaking […]

Archbishop issues ultimatum in Syro-Malabar liturgy dispute (Pillar)

The archbishop charged with settling a protracted and sometimes violent liturgical confrontation within the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church has warned that he will remove the leadership of the basilica at the center of the dispute if they do not agree to celebrate the Eucharistic liturgy according to new norms approved by the Syro-Malabar Synod. Archbishop Andrews […]

Russian Orthodox leaders back Putin against military coup (Russian Orthodox Church)

As an attempted military coup threatened the Russian government, Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow made a clear statement of support for President Vladimir Putin. “I support the efforts of the head of the Russian state aimed at preventing unrest in our country,” said that Russian prelate. Calling on all Russian believers to pray for a […]