Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Greek prime minister wins second term in runoff elections

Official results show voters gave Greece’s reformist Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis another four-year term in Sunday’s elections. He was credited with bringing the Greek economy to stability and growth after a severe debt crisis and three international bailouts, but he acknowledged that formidable challenges remain. Read all  

Holy See brings ‘O Encontro’ to Venice Biennale of Architecture

The title of this year’s Venice Biennale of Architecture is “The Laboratory of the Future” and it is doubly interesting because at a time in which Africa becomes the continent with the world’s youngest population, it features a majority of works by Africans and the African diaspora. The contribution of the Holy See focuses on […]

Synod on Synodality: The “Instrumentum Laboris” (1)

This document of about forty pages was prepared from the elements coming from the first two phases that have already taken place: the diocesan phase, which mobilized the dioceses of the whole world, and the continental phase, which brought together the episcopates of each continent around a first working document (“Enlarge the space of your […]

Aid to the Church in Need: 2023 Religious Freedom Report

The RFR has been published by the ACN every two years since 1999. The 2023 report reveals that 61 countries completely or severely limit religious freedom – one in three countries in the world: 62% of humanity lives in countries where religion is persecuted. In 47 of these countries the situation has worsened since the […]