Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Vatican’s Direct and Eye-Opening Attack on Bp. Strickland

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. TRANSCRIPT   When Church Militant broke the news over the weekend that the Vatican had ordered an investigation of Bp. Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, the Catholic social media world exploded, as it should have. What other response should there be? The Texas bishop […]

THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: Francisco Pizzaro Assassinated – July 26, 1541

The following text comes from the textbook, All Ye Lands. Please visit our sponsor’s site for digital samples or to learn more about their beautiful history books for Catholic students — Cortés’ conquest of the mighty Aztec kingdom inspired another Spanish conquistador to find an empire of his own to conquer. His name was Francisco… […]

New Discrimination Complaint Filed: An Interesting Twist to the Bud Light / Anheuser-Busch Marketing Debacle

Discrimination complaint filed against Bud Light, Anheuser-Bush — Last week, America First Legal filed a federal civil rights complaint against Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch (a division of InBev), for “illegal, racist and sexist hiring practices.” An interesting twist indeed to the recent marketing debacle that sent shares of the former #1 beer brand—once favored… […]

Famous abortionist becomes pro-life | Doctor John Bruchalski’s conversion story

Dr. John Bruchalski, founder of Tepeyac OB/GYN and Divine Mercy Care, was not always pro-life. Dr. Bruchalski killed children by performing abortions until he experienced a miraculous conversion experience from God. Watch now as Dr. Bruchalski lays bare how he began to carry out abortions and his moving — and entirely unexpected — conversion into […]

Famous abortionist becomes pro-life | Doctor John Bruchalski’s conversion story

Dr. John Bruchalski, founder of Tepeyac OB/GYN and Divine Mercy Care, was not always pro-life. Dr. Bruchalski killed children by performing abortions until he experienced a miraculous conversion experience from God. Watch now as Dr. Bruchalski lays bare how he began to carry out abortions and his moving — and entirely unexpected — conversion into […]