Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

BOOK REVIEW: One of the Best Business Books I Have Read in the Past Five Year

Power Failure: The Rise and Fall of an American Icon, by William D. Cohen, is an outstanding book that delves deep into the history of General Electric (GE), its transformation into a corporate giant under the leadership of legendary CEO Jack Welch, and its subsequent downfall under his successor, Jeff Immelt. Page-turner from start to… […]

Vatican-ordered investigation targets Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas…

CNA, CBJ—The Vatican’s Dicastery for Bishops has completed a formal investigation of Bishop Joseph E. Strickland and the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, according to multiple media reports and confirmed by EWTN News. Apolstolic Visitation The inquiry, known as an apostolic visitation, marks a rare though not unprecedented intervention by Rome into a U.S. diocese and… […]

998: Pope Francis investigates Bishop Strickland [Podcast]

Pope Francis investigates Bishop Strickland – Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast Pope Francis has ordered an “apostolic visitation” of Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas. Dr. Taylor Marshall gives details. Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. Dr. […]

Jeremiah 30:6-7

A reader sent this note… Father, I’ve been dividing time reading the Bible and CCC at your suggestion, and many times am thunderstruck at passages come across. This one hit me very, very hard right now; and I want to … Read More →