Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Who is this bishop investigating Bishop Strickland on behalf of Pope Francis?

In order to understand the gravity of this situation, you need to know about former Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, and the controversy that’s surrounded him for many years. TAKE ACTION and PRAY for Bishop Strickland ASAP: LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: […]

Who is this bishop investigating Bp. Strickland on behalf of Pope Francis?

In order to understand the gravity of this situation, you need to know about former Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, and the controversy that’s surrounded him for many years. TAKE ACTION and PRAY for Bishop Strickland ASAP: LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: […]

Abortion and Spiritual Warfare

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Dr. William Mahoney, Simon Rafe and Nick Wylie discuss the first anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade with a special emphasis on what needs to be done to eradicate abortion laws forever.

Bishops in Central African Republic question push for new constitution (Fides)

The Catholic bishops of the Central African Republic have questioned the government’s plan for a referendum to adopt a new constitution, saying that the national stability and security are higher priorities. Citing the “numerous politico-military crises” that have battered the country, and “the extreme poverty in which the majority of the population lives,” the bishops—in […]

Church attendance down since Covid lockdown (Gallup)

The percentage of Americans attending church services, which declined sharply during the Covid lockdown, has not recovered, a Gallup survey shows. For four years prior to the lockdown, an average of 34% of survey respondents said that they had attended a worship service in the past week. That number dipped to 30% in 2020, and […]

Biden expands contraceptive access by executive order (CNA)

President Joe Biden marked the anniversary of the Dobbs decision by signing an executive order that increases federal support and funding for contraceptives, including abortifacient “emergency contraception.” The presidential order requires private health-insurance companies to cover costs for all approved contraceptives, and directs government agencies to expand access to contraception. A White House statement explained: […]

‘Piss Christ’ artist attends papal audience, claims Vatican approval (AP)

Andres Serrano, the man responsible for the shocking “Piss Christ,” attended a June 23 papal audience with artists, and met personally with Pope Francis. After the event, Serrano said that by including him among the invited guests the Vatican conveyed the message that “the Church understands I am a Christian artists and I am not […]

Who is this bishop investigating Bp. Strickland on behalf of Pope Francis?

In order to understand the gravity of this situation, you need to know about former Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, and the controversy that’s surrounded him for many years. TAKE ACTION and PRAY for Bishop Strickland ASAP: LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: […]