Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

St. Maria Goretti

Maria Goretti was born on October 16, 1890 in Corinaldo, Italy, to Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini. The Gorettis were a poor family who worked as sharecroppers in the Pontine marshes. Along with their six children, they lived with Luigi’s partner Signor Serenelli and his teen aged son Allesandro, whose mother had died. Maria’s father […]

A “Revolutionary” Way Of Life: Wyoming Catholic College’s Technology Policy

Anna Tabeling squinted against the brutal sun blazing on the Utah desert. As she took in the desert stretching out before her, her heart sank. Although she was on an outdoor trip with her group from Wyoming Catholic College, during this moment of prayerful reflection, the stark loneliness of the desert overwhelmed her. “I remember […]

Serving “in sanctity and justice”: A tribute to Cardinal Ladaria

On July 1st, the Holy See announced that Pope Francis had appointed Víctor Manuel Fernández, Archbishop of La Plata, to succeed Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer as Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (anachronistically referred to as the “CDF” or “Holy Office”). The position is one of the most important at […]

Courting Like a Saint

The majority of Catholic young adults feel called to the vocation of marriage. One of the toughest obstacles they navigate is finding their future spouse. It can be a source of anxiety: Where will they meet them? What are the most important qualities in a spouse? Do they have realistic expectations of marriage? Are there […]

Bishop Hinder: Yemen’s martyred sisters showed ‘here is Jesus’ love’

In an interview with Vatican News, Bishop Paul Hinder, Emeritus Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, remembers the martyred Missionary Sisters of Charity showed him ‘Here is Jesus’ love,’ and underscores the value of highlighting new martyrs’ witness to the faith, and Pope Francis’ establishing a commission for them. Read all  

Father Damien Was a Priest and a Man of Sacrifice

LEFT: St. Damien poses for a photograph at age 28, in May 1878. RIGHT: St. Damien is photographed at age 49, weeks before his death on April 15, 1889. The closer one looks at the life of St. Damien of Molokai, the clearer it becomes that the mystery of the Holy Eucharist lay at the […]

The Marxist Roots of the US Bishops

TRANSCRIPT   Despite a spate of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings appearing to scale back their massive cultural gains, the Marxist force remains aggressively committed to the destruction of this country as we know it. For years now, Church Militant has been warning of the U.S. bishops’ complicity in all of this, even going as far back as the […]