Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

New parish named for Knights of Columbus founder in town he first served

(OSV News) — A priest on the road to sainthood, who has united millions of Catholic men across the world, is drawing faithful together in the town where he first served. The Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut, announced it will merge seven parishes in New Haven into the newly created Blessed Michael McGivney Parish, named for […]

Two Rites and Two Shares in the One Priesthood of Christ…

he most recent documents governing priestly formation in the United States, the Ratio Fundamentalis and the sixth edition of the Program of Priestly Formation, place a renewed emphasis on the foundational importance of the royal priesthood of the baptized in the formation of the ministerial priest. Both documents point to what is now called the […]

Has Pope Francis finally found his Ratzinger in Archbishop Fernández?

On July 1, the Holy Father appointed Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández of La Plata, Argentina, the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), the Vatican department once known as “La Suprema.” Archbishop Fernández now occupies the office once held by Pope St. Pius V and most famously in recent times […]

Who’s next? Here are the other cardinals Francis will soon have to replace…

Pope Francis on Saturday named a new prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, replacing Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer with the Argentine theologian Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández.While the pope’s decision to name Archbishop Fernández took many by surprise, the appointment itself was long overdue. Cardinal Ladaria turned 79 in April, and was […]