Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria: Let us run like madmen!…

Today is the memorial of St. Antony Mary Zaccaria, founder of the Barnabites. The letter from which that last quote is taken is here. I find letters to be some of the most interesting and illuminating historical documents, particular in relation to the spiritual life. They tend to be not quite as carefully constructed as […]

Pope Francis Finds His Ratzinger

Daniel Ibanez/CNA Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, Rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina at the Vatican Press Office, Oct. 8, 2014. COMMENTARY: Just as Pope John Paul II was happy to have his ministry judged by his choice of principal collaborator, so too Archbishop Fernández thinks that his appointment serves the same role for […]

Vatican Refuses to Halt Display of Serial Abuser’s Art

ROME ( – Despite widespread public outcry, the Vatican is refusing to halt the display of artwork created by Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik, a Jesuit celebrity artist accused of sexually abusing at least 25 nuns. Rupnik image showcased by Pope Francis in June A meeting attended by some of the top officials from the Vatican Dicastery for Communication concluded […]

Papal peace envoy: Ukrainian children are top priority (Vatican News)

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, the special papal peace envoy who recently visited both Ukraine and Russia, has told reporters that his highest priority is to ensure the return of displaced Ukrainian children. The cardinal said that his talks with Ukrainian and Russian political leaders had not yet produced the framework for negotiations. He said the current […]