Fake Sr. Lucy?

With the Vatican declaring Sr. Lucia of Fatima “Venerable,” leading her one step closer to sainthood, there is renewed interest in the theory that an “imposter” played the role of Sr. Lucia post-1967. In this episode, Christine Niles examines the forensic evidence. Watch other episodes of Forward Boldly. Buy Christine a coffee.

Study: Most women don’t want abortion (Human Life Review)

A study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that “nearly 70% of women with a history of abortion describe their abortions as inconsistent with their own values and preferences, with one in four describing their abortions as unwanted or coerced,” according to the report.

LGBT agenda losing ground in Europe as right-wing populism rises

European populist resistance to the LGBT agenda mounts as popular right-wing parties are rising up to protect the West and win back the Culture of Life. The forces of globalism are pushing harder than ever before for the ‘Great Reset’ and New World Order — based on LGBT vice and degeneracy. LifeSiteNews Correspondent Andreas Wailzer […]