Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Blessed Adrian Fortescue

Adrian Fortescue was born in 1476 to an old, respected Devonshire family at Punbourne, England, and was a cousin of Anne Boleyn. A country gentleman, he was married twice and had two daughters by his first marriage and three sons by the second. He became a Dominican tertiary at Oxford, was a knight of the […]

Here’s Who’s Going to the Synod from the U.S. and Canada

Top (L to R) Cardinal Marc Ouellet; Bishop Robert Barron; Cardinal Blaze Cupich; Bottom (L to R) Father James Martin; Cardinal Timothy Dolan; Cardinal Wilton Gregory. ANALYSIS: A pair of U.S. college students, a religious sister who does karate, two distinct sets of American bishops, controversial lay theologians and Jesuit Father James Martin will be […]

The Incarnation and three metaphysical paradoxes

Readings: • Zech 9:9-10 • Psa 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14 • Rom 8:9, 11-13 • Matt 11:25-30 The literary critic Hugh Kenner, in Paradox in Chesterton (Sheed & Ward, 1947), distinguished between different types of paradox. One […]