Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

St. John Gualbert

John Gualbert (or Gualberto) was born in Florence around the year 993. Born into a noble family, John lived a life of leisure and amusement while he trained to be a soldier. Tragedy struck while he was still a young man: His older brother Hugo was murdered, and John made it his mission to avenge […]

Cast Your Cares Upon the Lord, for He Cares for You

Prayer is essential for our eternal salvation. Definitions abound on prayer! Saint John Damascene states: “Prayer is the lifting of the mind and the heart to God.” Saint Teresa of Avila summarizes prayer as simply, “A loving conversation with the friend that I know loves me.” Saint Alphonsus asserts with vigor: “He who prays much, will be saved; he who […]

Secure Borders, Illegal Aliens and the Bishops’ Wealth

TRANSCRIPT   The topic of human sex-trafficking — especially involving children — just does not seem to register on the U.S. bishops’ radar. We could make a side comment there about them not really caring about children in most cases (abortion and sex abuse spring to mind) but we won’t say anything further, other than to say that they have an […]

Graham Greene’s soul

The maddening riddle of Greene’s religiosity. A review of Michael Mewshaw’s “My Man in Antibes”.