US bishops praise expansion of family reunification processes for migrants

The U.S. bishops July 10 praised a recent announcement by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that it would expand family reunification processes for some migrants. On July 7, the department said it would implement the new processes for eligible nationals of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The expanded program, which began July 10, […]

Northern Virginia diocese rolls out new paid family leave policy

A new paid family leave policy in the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, will help support families, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington said in a recent diocesan podcast. Effective July 1, the Northern Virginia diocese is granting its employees eligible for family medical leave full pay for the first eight weeks of the individual’s absence, […]

Pope’s new crop of cardinals is chock full of possible successors

ROME — Though it’s admittedly a somewhat flippant comparison, there’s a sense in which every consistory, an event in which a pope creates new cardinals, is a bit like the Iowa caucuses in American politics — that is, it’s a chance for new contenders for the system’s top job to introduce themselves. Formally, cardinals serve […]

El Papa nombra 21 cardenales, entre ellos el arzobispo de origen estadounidense Prevost

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — El Papa Francisco nombró a 21 nuevos cardenales, entre ellos el arzobispo estadounidense Robert F. Prevost, que asumió la dirección del Dicasterio para los Obispos en abril, y el arzobispo francés Christophe Pierre, nuncio apostólico en Estados Unidos. El Papa anunció los nombres tras el rezo del Ángelus con los […]

Science paving the way towards circular, zero-emission economy

As part of an effort to mitigate global warming and pollution, researchers from the University of Cambridge have managed to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and plastic waste in renewable fuels and other useful chemicals using sunlight as the sole source of energy. Read all