Homesteading, Hunting, and Raising Good Children w/ John Henry Spann
Buy Your Shirt (with a random guy): Contact/Book John Henry here: John Henry’s Radio Show: Resources: @Homesteadyshow Good Pictures Bad Pictures:
A Matter of Give and Give
A Catholic priest and convert from Anglicanism, Ronald Knox was one of the most famous preachers in England in the decades surrounding the Second World War. Quite the eccentric, Knox’s linguistic brilliancy manifested itself from his earliest years when, as a middle schooler, he was writing serial stories for a Latin newspaper he created with […]
A Resurgence in the Forsaken Art of Feminine Hospitality
In an attempt to justify laziness with common causality, modern society has deviated from a place of order and ordinary decency to an uninterrupted abuse of noise, isolation, and immoral behaviors in the name of mercenary realism. Society once viewed decency standards, both moral and societal, essential to the continuous flow for an upright and […]
Dr. Mark Trozzi calls medical board’s hearing over opposition to COVID jabs a ‘kangaroo court’
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario’s Discipline Tribunal concluded Monday, but a decision is not expected for several weeks.
Fr. Murray: Pope Francis’ pro-homosexual Synod ‘is going to be a moment of crisis for the Church’
The New York priest stressed that changes to the Catechism on homosexuality must be ‘vigorously opposed’ and that incoming Vatican doctrine head Victor Manuel Fernández ‘must be resisted’ if he promotes sodomy.
Dr. Mark Trozzi exhorts Canadians to courageously resist COVID narrative pushed by ‘globalists’
‘We are going to have to fight everywhere; everyone’s got to hold their ground,’ the physician said.
Dr. Mark Trozzi exhorts Canadians to courageously resist COVID narrative pushed by ‘globalists’
‘We are going to have to fight everywhere; everyone’s got to hold their ground,’ the physician said.
Snob Bishops and Big Money
TRANSCRIPT A large — very large — percentage of Catholics have no idea the incredible wealth the nation’s bishops have at their disposal, and we are talking billions of dollars. If you were to look at the bishops collectively as a corporation, there’s no doubt that would register in the Fortune 500. Inside the Church, they have amassed a […]
Dr. Mark Trozzi exhorts Canadians to courageously resist COVID narrative pushed by ‘globalists’
‘We are going to have to fight everywhere; everyone’s got to hold their ground,’ the physician said.Read More
Cardinal Hollerich Recognizes the Non-existence of Synodality
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich tried to clarify the idea and the procedure of the Synod convened by Pope Francis in October. It is in no way comparable to Orthodox or Protestant synods, explained the Archbishop of Luxembourg, who coordinates the content of the great Catholic event. “I think . . . a typical Catholic synodality . […]