Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Awaiting the End

If it is true that there is a God, and that He has made us for Himself alone, then no sooner do we become aware of that fact, of God wanting to welcome us into His life, than we find ourselves longing to be united with Him. “I to my Beloved, my Beloved unto me,” […]

Synodality and Sanctity

Pope Benedict XVI often said that, in today’s skeptical and cynical world, the saints make a more persuasive case for the truth of Christianity than the most sophisticated arguments. One has to wonder, then, why the Working Document ( Instrumentum Laboris , or IL) for October’s Synod on Synodality is virtually devoid of references to […]

Forgetting the Art of Memory

AI tools like ChatGPT launched less than a year ago, but they’re already taking over the workplace. They can generate quick, clean (if uninspiring) copy in seconds; plan your weekly schedule; and take meeting minutes without you even having to listen to what is being said. I recently learnt that a colleague of mine was […]