Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Satanic Abortion Ritual’ in New Mexico

SANTA FE, N.Mex. ( – The governor of New Mexico, a self-identifying Catholic, launched a taxpayer-funded hotline that refers abortion-minded mothers to The Satanic Temple’s burgeoning abortuary network. The Satanic Temple (TST) In a recent report, New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAL) exposed the connection between the hotline and what The Satanic Temple (TST) calls […]

Is the occasion of sin a sin?

To sin, we must make some kind of a decision, whether clear and firm, or vague and wishy-washy. For sin to be present, our freedom must somehow be involved. This means that we are always responsible, to some extent, for our sins. If we just make a mistake, we can’t call that a sin. If […]

Honduran bishop: Although Bishop Álvarez is in prison, he won’t be silent

Bishop Rolando Álvarez. / Credit: Media Diocese – TV Merced ACI Prensa Staff, Jul 26, 2023 / 16:00 pm (CNA). Bishop José Antonio Canales of the Diocese of Danlí in Honduras said in an interview with the Nicaraguan media Confidencial Digital that Bishop Rolando Álvarez, unjustly convicted of treason by the Daniel Ortega dictatorship in […]

Most People Are Dumb

The media and the powers understand that our lives are very busy. They use this to their advantage, flooding their Marxist propaganda nonstop to members of the unquestioning general public, who accept all news as truthful. This means of getting information leaves most people ignorant to what is really going on in the world and […]

Abortion Is Now Officially on the Ballot in Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio ( – Ohio voters will officially decide this fall whether abortion will be enshrined in the state’s Constitution. State officials confirmed on Tuesday that a proposed constitutional amendment will be on this November’s ballot after a petition for the ballot measure received enough signatures. Kate Makra, the executive director of Cleveland Right to Life, told Church […]

4 Incredible Americans On Their Way to Canonization

If saint quotas were a race, the Americas would already be starting at a nearly 1500-year disadvantage. By the time Christianity was brought to the Native Americans, dozens of countries in the Eastern hemisphere had been practicing Catholicism for hundreds of years. Does this setback soften the blow of the fact there are a mere […]