What is a superhero? And why are they so popular?

Ever since Superman debuted in 1938, pop-culture has been obsessed with superheroes. At first superheroes dominated the “comic” newspaper strips and then eventually those strips were compiled into what would become the first “comic books.” Once movies and television became an essential part of modern entertainment, it didn’t take long for superheroes to make the […]

Reviewing Trent’s ABORTION Debate with Destiny on Whatever w/ Trent Horn

Matt sits down with  @TheCounselofTrent  to discuss his recent debate with  @destiny  on the  @whatever  podcast. Hallow: https://hallow.com/matt 🔥 Emmaus Academy (2 weeks free!) http://stpaulcenter.com/matt Watch debate between Trent and Destiny here: https://www.youtube.com/live/o6nnaxitKMQ?feature=share @KyleWhittington ​


Just in.  And the floor tiles are just like those of a room I had in a rectory, except mine were dark gray. My sender wrote: “You might note with interest the four different shades of green being employed. Thanks … Read More →