Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Christ on Skid Row

Christ on Skid Row By Anna Harrison August 18, 2023 Documentary filmmaker Paul Freedman has produced and directed over a dozen films on global human-rights abuses in Darfur, Eastern Congo, Rwanda, and elsewhere. In The Dirty Divide, he turns his camera on what former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti called “the greatest moral and humanitarian […]

The Spiritual Dangers of Constant News Consumption

When I ‘reverted’ to my baptismal Catholic Faith almost a decade ago I underwent a simultaneous political conversion. Before I came back to the Sacraments (well, really to the Sacraments for the first time as I was raised only nominally Catholic) I would have considered myself a Liberal or a centrist. As much as I […]

Nuncio to South Sudan: We need to stand with our people who suffer

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, offers his thoughts on Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin’s recent visit to the country, and says Christians need to incarnate our faith and stand with our sisters and brothers who are suffering. Read all  

Appeals court sides with pro-life protesters in DC First Amendment dispute (CNA)

Three years after the arrest of pro-life protestors who wrote “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in chalk on a DC sidewalk, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the government “may not play favorites in a public forum — permitting some messages and prohibiting others.” The pro-life protestors demonstrated that “the […]