Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Shroud of Jesus: The Discovery of the Image of an Upright Man

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth approximately 14 feet by 3.5 feet that shows the front and back of the body of a naked man. It also carries blood marks that are consistent with the scourging and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth as described in the Gospel of John. From a forensic perspective, […]

The Devil in Hollywood

TRANSCRIPT   The huge amounts of attention focused recently on the world elite and child sex trafficking and Epstein Island and sexual exploitation of young actors in the entertainment industry is serving to pull back the curtain on this evil. A number of years ago, on our Premium program Mic’d Up, we tackled this horrible filth in […]

Ministers return to their classrooms

Across America, Catholic school teachers are returning to their classrooms to begin a new year, when they will again endeavor to fulfill the purpose of Catholic education: to lead their students to Christ by means […]

These Parishioners Have Sent 3 Million Meals to Haiti. Here’s How They Do It

Phillip Budidharma/CNA Approximately 1,400 members of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, put together eight large shipping containers with more than 300,000 meals for Haitians as part of its Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive on Aug. 12, 2023. What you need to understand is that St. Matthew is just like your parish, only […]

Ukrainian Catholics Recall Warm Reception at World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon

Hannah Brockhaus Marina Aleykseyeva, 31, from Kiev, Ukraine (second from left with a pink baseball cap), together with fellow pilgrims from Ukraine, attended World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, Aug. 1-6. She said they traveled to the international gathering to pray for peace in their country. The support shown in Lisbon ‘is something that we […]

Number of Priestly Ordinations in Free Fall

A recent piece at the SSPX site deals with the “vertiginous” drop in priestly vocations in France, in particular, Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe.    The figures they used are from the French bishops conference and other non-SSPX sources. The … Read More →

Pope Francis: Christians ‘are invited to be open to change’

Pope Francis waves from a window of the Apostolic Palace during his Angelus address and prayer on Aug. 20, 2023. / Vatican Media. Vatican City, Aug 20, 2023 / 06:12 am (CNA). Christians should imitate Jesus in being steadfast — not inflexible —… […]