Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Don’t Just Opt Out—Fight Back

On August 9, Catholic, Orthodox Christian, and Muslim parents took the school board of Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland to court over its refusal to allow parents to have their children opt out of participation in an LGBTQ+ book curriculum. The curriculum relies on a policy that allows teachers to introduce, read, and discuss […]

FACEing Injustice

In 1960, five black students at Alton Technical College protested Jim Crow segregation laws by peacefully sitting at a “whites only” lunch counter at the Woolworth’s dime store in Jackson, Mississippi. Refusing to leave when police arrived, they were arrested and charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct. The five black students pled “not guilty” and […]

Critics, Enemies, and the Difference

Why is he shouting at us?” It was an innocent question, whispered at Mass in the middle of an agitated Pope Francis homily. My wife had arrived in Rome from the States the evening before, just as the 2015 Synod on the Family closed. She was unaware of the synod’s tensions over the previous three […]

Religious Community From Peru Arrives in Detroit With Mission to Encourage Vocations

Valaurian Waller Father Joe Barron is among the first two Americans to join Pro Ecclesia Sancta, a religious institute founded in Lima, Peru. He was invited by Detroit Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron to found another home for the community in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Father Palomino views this new relationship as a part of the […]