Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Bishop Perceiver Interview…

Looking through the rearview mirror of memories is one of the advantages of growing old. Disturbing events that were out of focus years ago take shape to explain current events. It is wise for priests and bishops to revisit the occurrences of several decades ago, when it was so fashionable to question all Church teaching. […]

Cluny Media is rescuing lost and neglected Catholic books of the not-so-distant past…

John Emmet Clarke, the 31-year-old editor-in-chief of the Catholic publishing house Cluny Media, based in Providence, Rhode Island, is on a mission to rescue lost and forgotten Catholic books. Unlike other publishers who publish the works of living authors, Cluny deals mostly with the dead — writers whose books have been out of print for […]

Should I deviate from teaching the Catholic faith?

As we moved into the question-and-answer portion of my in-service to the staff of the Catholic school, one of the teachers asked how she should teach the Catholic faith to her non-Catholic students. The question was precipitated by my closing remarks about the importance of the teacher expressing a sincere attraction and desire in front […]

Mother Miriam Special | Taking perpetual vows with Bishop Joseph Strickland

Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God was invited by Bishop Joseph Strickland into the Diocese of Tyler, Texas — allowing Mother Miriam to profess perpetual vows in Bishop Strickland’s diocese. Now that Mother Miriam, founder of ‘Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope,’ has taken perpetual vows under Bishop Strickland a new generation of […]