Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

California parents protest bills they say would take away their rights

About 1,000 Californians rallied in front of the state capitol steps in Sacramento late Monday morning to protest a series of bills they say would take away their rights as parents. “We need more and more people to speak up until they can’t ignore us anymore,” Erin Friday, an attorney and co-leader of the western […]

Burke claims Pope’s synod will foster ‘confusion, error and division’

In the foreword to a new booklet by a conservative group criticizing Pope Francis’s looming Synod of Bishops on Synodality, American Cardinal Raymond Burke has slammed the process surrounding the synod, calling it deeply harmful and potentially schismatic. Burke, a hero to the traditionalist wing of the Catholic Church, has been a frequent Francis critic. […]

Guadalupe shows how faith is shared simply, with respect, pope says

Our Lady of Guadalupe and other recognized Marian apparitions show clearly how evangelization does not require complicated plans and elaborate theological explanations but sharing the faith in “a language suitable for all, a language that is comprehensible, like that of Jesus,” Pope Francis said. At Guadalupe, in fact, “Our Lady proclaims God in the most […]

Wildfires claim the lives of 18 migrants in Greece

Bodies of 18 migrants were found in the Evros region of Greece that shares its borders with Turkey. The death toll rises to 20 as wildfires have ravaged several parts of Greece over a span of days. Read all  

Views on the upcoming Synod (“walking together”)

At Crux there is a piece about a new booklet published on 22 August by TFP concerning the upcoming Synod (“walking together”).  Card. Burke wrote the intro… Burke claims Pope’s synod will foster ‘confusion, error and division’ Keep this in … Read More →

Joe Rogan Gets Proven Wrong on the God Question

Joe Enders reacts to a clip from a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience in which Rogan interviews Stephen C. Meyer. Rogan asks Meyer, “If God exists, why do bad things happen?” Joe Enders comments and expands on Meyer’s answer from an authentic Catholic perspective. YouTube Instagram Twitter TikTok Rumble Resistance Intro music Buy Me […]