Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Rose of Lima

August 23 we celebrate the Feast of St. Rose of Lima, a great saint and intercessor for the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)! Isabella Flores was born in Peru in 1586, and received the name Rose at her confirmation. To earn money for her struggling family, Rose spent her days working in the gardens and her… […]

Daily Rome Shot 771

Photo by The Great Roman™ Please remember me when shopping online. Thanks in advance. US HERE – UK HERE  These links take you to a generic “catholic” search in Amazon, but, once in and browsing or searching, Amazon remembers that you used my … Read More →

Guadalupe shows how faith is shared simply, with respect, pope says

Our Lady of Guadalupe and other recognized Marian apparitions show clearly how evangelization does not require complicated plans and elaborate theological explanations but sharing the faith in “a language suitable for all, a language that is comprehensible, like that of Jesus,” Pope Francis said.

Priest Commits Suicide After Masturbating on Beach

ŚWINOUJŚCIE, Poland ( –  A Polish Salesian priest who was charged with masturbating before minors on a beach in Poland has committed suicide.  Fr. Piotr Ziółkowski, S.D.B. Father Piotr Ziółkowski, a catechist at a primary school and priest at Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Szczecin, northwestern Poland, was found dead on Saturday after he […]