Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

3 Vatican cardinals urged USCCB official to be tougher on Trump (What We Need Now)

Jayd Hendricks, former Executive Director of Government Relations for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that “three unnamed Cardinals in Rome” thought he “was being too soft on President Trump.” “They wanted the USCCB to take a position during the congressional budget process regarding an important but very small program,” he continued. “What they […]

USCCB urges Supreme Court to uphold federal gun law (USCCB)

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has filed an amicus curiae [friend of the court] brief in United States v. Rahimi, a case before the Supreme Court. A 1994 federal law prohibits the possession of firearms by persons “subject to a court order that restrains [them] from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner.” […]

Pope congratulates Australian LGBTQ+ Catholic group (Out in Perth)

“In late June 2023, Acceptance Perth and Sydney (and Canberra) were honoured to be able to reveal a handwritten note from Pope Francis through Sr Jeannine Gramick SL congratulating LGBTIQA+ Catholics on 50 years of gatherings through Acceptance,” according to a recent statement from Acceptance Perth LGBTQ+ Catholics, which did not publish the text of […]

In Defense of Anti-Feminism

In a recent piece denouncing the rigid gender roles promoted by the “tradwife” movement, Crisis editor Eric Sammons argues that the anti-feminism movement exacerbates the same toxic divide between men and women as does feminism. While I applaud any effort to help men and women recognize unhealthy dynamics between the sexes, I would argue that […]

Trump Is Running—With the GOP, or Against It

Donald J. Trump is running for president. He is running for president whether or not he wins the GOP primary. This is the fundamental truth of 2024. All else is noise. During the 2016 cycle, Trump angered Republican grandees by refusing to rule out an independent bid for the White House, shrewdly protecting himself against […]

Archbishop Fernández and the Learning Curve

Pope Francis has just given the Vatican his Ratzinger,” declared one July 2 headline; “Pope Francis Finds His Ratzinger,” announced another, four days later. Both quickie assessments of Argentinian Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández’s appointment as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith were wrong. Archbishop Fernández is no Joseph Ratzinger in either […]