Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis: The Eucharist can fill ‘the wounds and voids produced by sin’

Eucharistic adoration following the pope’s Corpus Christi Mass June 14, 2020. / Vatican Media/CNA. Vatican City, Aug 25, 2023 / 05:57 am (CNA). Jesus’ healing presence in the Eucharist can “fill with tenderness” the voids and wounds produced by sin in individual lives and in society, Pope Francis said on Friday. In a meeting at […]

The Archbishop at the Beach

In French law, there exists a legal device called donation-partage, which makes it possible to transmit and distribute the assets of a person’s estate during his lifetime. Pope Francis appears to be using a similar device, the legacy-appointment, which consists in appointing bishops in his image, in order to secure his heritage and to perpetuate […]

Madagascar and the Holy See in Search of Mutual Recognition

“Spiritual renewal. This is how the President of the Republic of Madagascar presented his visit to the Vatican in the heart of summer. Andry Rajoelina was indeed received in private audience by the sovereign pontiff for about twenty minutes on the morning of August 17, 2023. The Malagasy Head of State then discussed the more […]

From the Next Consistory to the Next Conclave

However, after the September consistory, the College of Cardinals will include 137 electors, including 53 Europeans, 24 Asians, 19 Africans and 17 from North America; 16 of them will come from South America, 5 from Central America and 3 from Oceania. A total of 99 will have been created by Francis, i.e., more than 70% […]

Mongolia: A Papal Trip With Multiple Challenges

“The trip to Mongolia that John Paul II could not make, Pope Francis is preparing to do. And it will certainly be a very beautiful thing. A very strong sign for all Christianity.” These words of Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Archbishop Emeritus of Naples and former Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (2001-2006), […]