Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

UNICEF: Millions of children in Pakistan need urgent support

Millions of children in Pakistan have no access to safe drinking water following the devastating floods last year. UNICEF sends a warning as “vulnerable children” continue to live in flood-affected areas without basic necessities. Read all  

13th Sunday after Pentecost: We live in the relief, not the burden.

For some weeks we had Pauline readings from the Letters to the Corinthians.  We begin this Sunday with pericopes from the Letter to the Galatians.  The Epistle reading for this 13th Sunday after Pentecost (or as our ancient Roman forebears would have called it, the 3rd after St. Lawrence, which shows how important the saint […]

Greek Bishop: Pope’s Synod Doesn’t Fit Eastern Model

ATHENS, Greece ( – A senior prelate in the Greek Catholic Church is trashing the frequently stated claim that Pope Francis’ forthcoming Synod on Synodality conforms to the synodal model followed by the Eastern Churches.  Bp. Manuel Lin at his episcopal ordination in 2016 In a commentary published on the Greek Catholic Exarchate website, Bp. Manuel Nin […]

Pope Francis: The Eucharist can fill ‘the wounds and voids produced by sin’

Eucharistic adoration following the pope’s Corpus Christi Mass June 14, 2020. / Vatican Media/CNA. Vatican City, Aug 25, 2023 / 05:57 am (CNA). Jesus’ healing presence in the Eucharist can “fill with tenderness” the voids and wounds produced by sin in individual lives and in society, Pope Francis said on Friday. In a meeting at […]