Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis meets with President Katalin Novák of Hungary

The war in Ukraine, family and Christian values, and religious freedom and persecution, were at the center of Pope Francis’ most recent encounter with the President of the Republic of Hungary, Ms. Katalin Novák, in the Vatican on Friday. Read all  

The Death and Resurrection of the Catholic Sense

Many readers of Crisis Magazine are likely of the opinion that World Youth Day was a total disaster. I believe Peter Kwasniewski’s description of it as “World Profanation Day” was perfectly adequate, and Austin Ruse’s heartfelt telling of his daughter’s traumatic and sorrowful experience at the event pretty much sums it up. Not to spend […]

Loving the Obese

Call it Providence, luck, or simply the world we live in, but the Internet has produced another star. In this case, it is a country music singer and songwriter from Virginia with the stage name Oliver Anthony. While he had already been publishing songs on Spotify, his YouTube video for the song “Rich Men North […]

What to Read About Instead of Trump and Self-Help

More than ever before, we are inundated with forecasts about the “best” books on the horizon or the ones you must read to be au courant or woke or anything else you are supposed to desire (vigilantly armed against the spirit of the age, perhaps, whatever that is alleged to be). These can be annoying, […]

Here is what I hope Laudato Sí 2.0 will say

Back in 2015, when rumors circulated that Pope Francis was writing Laudato Sí, an encyclical on the environment, I offered some unsolicited advice as to what should be in the letter: “What Should the Pope’s […]