Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Brazilian bishop who presided over vocation surge dead at 91 (Canção Nova )

Bishop Fernando Legal, SDB, the first bishop of São Miguel Paulista in suburban Sao Paulo, Brazil, died on August 22 at the age of 91. During his years as bishop of São Miguel Paulista (1989-2008), Bishop Legal founded three seminaries and ordained 70 priests. The number of diocesan priests in São Miguel Paulista has continued […]

South Carolina Supreme Court upholds heartbeat abortion ban (Religion Cause)

Following a change in court membership, the South Carolina Supreme Court, in a 4-1 decision, upheld the state’s heartbeat law, just seven months after the court struck down an earlier version. “[T]he legislature has found that the State has a compelling interest in protecting the lives of unborn children,” the court ruled. “That finding is […]

How Malta just stopped legalized abortion (Human Life Review)

Dr. Miriam Sciberras, CEO of the Life Network Foundation in Malta, discussed how pro-abortion legislation was derailed in Malta. Catholicism is the state religion of the Mediterranean nation of 464,000 (map). 95% of residents are Christian (93% Catholic), and 3% are Muslim.

Pope: Eucharistic adoration urges you to care for the poor

Pope Francis received participants in a pilgrimage promoted by the Sisters Disciples of Jesus in the Eucharist, and encouraged them to let their love of the Eucharistic Lord inspire care for “the poorest, the most despised, and the most marginalized members of the Body of Christ.” Read all