Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The God who mothers us

God offers the incredible power of a Mother to feed, heal, soothe, comfort and instruct her children in wisdom and strength. Will we let her?  

Letters to the editor on global warming

Letters to the editor: NCR readers respond to a column where Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese says that the good news is there are ways to reduce and eliminate the growth in global warming; the bad news is he’s not sure we will implement them fast enough.

Day 237: Water from the Temple (2023)

Fr. Mike guides us through the last two chapters of Ezekiel, explaining the biblical significance of the water flowing from the right side of the temple, and how it foreshadows Christ’s passion. He also emphasizes the imagery of the clay and the potter in Jeremiah, signifying how our lives are meant to be open for […]

Cardinal Burke’s Blistering Warning About The Revolution Happening Now In The Church

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Parishes need to be more welcoming. They should start with large families

Earlier this summer, my family went camping for the weekend a couple of hours away, and, as one does on vacation, found a Catholic parish with a 10 a.m. Sunday Mass. We arrived a few minutes late, and packed ourselves as quickly and quietly as we could into the second-to-last row of the church.  With […]

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time: Peter as holy father of the Church

Is. 22: 19–23 / Ps. 138:1–3, 6, 8 / Rom. 11:33–36 / Mt. 16:13–20 “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!” Paul exclaims in this week’s Epistle. Sunday’s Psalm, too, takes up the triumphant note of joy and thanksgiving. Why? Because in the Gospel, the heavenly Father reveals the mystery […]