Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Taking theatre out of the Mass

A Nigerian cleric argues that both the priest and others at Mass ought to eschew any form of distraction that turns an encounter between God and humanity into a theatre of the absurd

USCCB publishes online Family Psalter (USCCB)

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has published A Family Psalter and has made it freely available online. “For many years, I have desired to pray the Liturgy of the Hours regularly, but in the midst of family life I have hardly been able to pray more than morning prayer on weekdays,” writes Ben […]

Accused Wyoming bishop dies at 91 (National Catholic Register)

Bishop Joseph Hart, who served as auxiliary bishop of Cheyenne (1976-78) and bishop of Cheyenne (1978-2001), has died at the age of 91. The prelate was accused of abusing 11 boys and one girl, and the Diocese of Cheyenne deemed six abuse allegations against Bishop Hart to be credible. The Congregation for the Doctrine of […]

Florida bishop condemns violence, bigotry after new shooting (Our Sunday Visitor)

A shooting in Jacksonville (FL) on August 26 claimed the lives of three people. “It has come to light that the shooter’s motivations were fueled by hatred and bigotry, as he targeted innocent lives solely because of their race,” said Bishop Erik Pohlmeier of St. Augustine. “This reprehensible act reminds us of the deep-seated wounds […]

Cardinal Dolan calls for reduction in number of US seminaries (America)

Citing eight theologates between Boston and Washington, and three seminaries in Ohio, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York called for a consolidation of seminaries in the United States. “Some thoughtful observers have proposed we consider regional major seminaries, one for each of four or five geographic areas in the US Church,” he wrote in the […]

Nigerian high court issues restraining order to protect Christian convert (CNA)

The Nigerian high court has granted a restraining order protecting an 18-year-old Christian convert from her Muslim father and brother, who are seeking to kill her. “The defendants are hereby restrained from threat and attempt on the life of the applicant following her decision to change from the practice of Islam to Christianity and also […]

Fielding questions from Jesuits, Pope Francis weighs in on rigid formation, ‘curial censorship,’ homosexuality (La Civiltà Cattolica)

The Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica has published the full transcript of Pope Francis’s conversation with Jesuits during his apostolic journey to Portugal. During the conversation, the Pope ripped “reactionary” American Catholics. As he fielded questions, the Pontiff also criticized the “rigid” formation to which he believed Jesuits were subjected in the early and mid-1900s, […]