Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

“That They May Be One”: A Sacramental-Ecclesial Approach to Eucharistic Revival…

The postmodern condition leads to fragmentation and isolation.1 This fragmentation makes vital the sought for healing of the National Eucharistic Revival. In its promotional materials this Revival speaks of healing through unity with Christ in the Eucharist as one of its fruits. Implicit in this is what can be termed the ecclesial dimension of the […]

Catholic podcaster Timmerie Geagea gets banned on YouTube…

The show has been banned on YouTube! Timmerie talked about the health dangers of taking contraception and this was flagged as “medical misinformation.” She soon realized that she couldn’t even get into her account! This proves that some people are afraid of the facts. Timmerie reports on this and shares why Relevant Radio is so […]

“I am here to teach, not evangelize”…

While teaching at the temple, the Jews were astonished at Jesus’ command of the Torah and his ability to convey it. Noticing the Jew’s amazement, he reminds them … my teaching is not my own but his who sent me. Jesus reminds the Jews and Gentiles that he comes bearing the Word of God as […]

The Mystery of the Bloomfield Bridge…

This pedestrian bridge crosses I-494 just west of the Minneapolis Airport. It connects Bloomington to Richfield. I drive under it often and I wondered: why is it there? It’s not in an area that is particularly walkable, and it doesn’t connect any establishments that obviously need to be connected. So why was it built? I […]

Why is authentic Catholic renewal so hard to grasp?

The problem of authentic Catholic renewal is very much in the air leading up to the Synod on Synodality. Indeed, the preparations for the Synod itself often highlight the problem by giving worldly participants an opportunity to advocate changes that undermine authentic Catholic renewal. Of course, in Church affairs there is often significant good behind […]

5 Things to Know About the Pope, St. Vincent of Lérins and Doctrinal Development…

In a recent interview, Pope Francis invoked St. Vincent of Lérins in relation to the concept of doctrinal development — especially as a remedy to what the Pope called indietrismo (an attitude of “being backward-looking”) among some Catholics. He has done so previously. The linkage of doctrinal development to Vincent of Lérins may come as […]

St. Raymond Nonnatus, pray for us!…

Well, that’s not appropriate, is it? Okay, not really, but it’s what naturally popped into my head when I learned about today’s saint and what his name means. Born in Spain in the 13th century, yet “not born” – the meaning of his nickname, nonnatus. How could that be? Because he was taken from mother, […]