Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cardinal Parolin previews Pope’s journey to Mongolia (Vatican News)

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy See’s Secretary of State, discussed the Pope’s apostolic journey to Mongolia in an interview. Cardinal Parolin said that “the fact that the Pope sets out for geographically distant countries and also faces the inconveniences that come with it is precisely to signify his desire to actively witness and concretely promote […]

Alarms About the St. Michael Prayer

Just when you thought that the more mainstream Catholic publications were losing their taste for the trivial amid the crisis of faith we are living through, along comes The Priest magazine with a cover story about why the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer is inappropriate to say after Mass. The glossy magazine has on its […]


We are not told why the younger brother in the parable went to the far country. If younger brothers in the days of Jesus were as they have been everywhere else, maybe he grew weary of tending sheep with his father and his elder brother. Maybe life seemed to him to have ended before it […]

The Ulma family: a remarkable beatification of martyrdom

Killed for having hidden eight Jews in their home in 1944, the Ulma family is due to be beatified on 10 September 2023, making it the first time an entire family will be beatified together, including the child carried in the mother’s womb at the time of her death. Read all