Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis becomes first pope in history to set foot in Mongolia

Pope Francis’ arrival in Mongolia / Courtney Mares Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Aug 31, 2023 / 20:40 pm (CNA). Pope Francis made history Friday morning when he became the first pope to travel to Mongolia, the world’s most sparsely populated sovereign country. The papal plane touched down in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar at 9:52 a.m. local […]

Pope’s criticism of (some) Americans amounts to an indirect tribute

ROME – It’s fitting that the phrase “all publicity is good publicity” conventionally is attributed to P. T. Barnum, because, in the 21st century, spasms of public attention almost inevitably degenerate into a media circus rivaling anything Barnum & Bailey ever staged. Pope Francis presided over just such a circus this week, and that was […]

Pope to ‘reactionary’ Americans: ‘Move on’ (Crux)

Pope Francis shrugged off angry American reactions to his complaints about a “reactionary attitude” in the US, as he spoke with reporters during his August 31 flight from Rome to Mongolia. “Yes, the got mad,” the Pope said of conservative Catholics who protested his remarks. “But move on; move on.”

Pope arrives in Mongolia, speaks of ‘great culture’ (Vatican News)

Pope Francis said that Mongolia has “a small population of great culture,” as he met with reporters who accompanied him on his trip to the landlocked Asian country. “Mongolia is understood with the senses,” the Pope said as his flight approached the country. “I dare say it will do us good perhaps to listen a […]

Church environmentalists are worried about oil drilling at mouth of Amazon River

SÃO PAULO (OSV News) — Church activists in the Amazon are worried about the Brazilian government’s plan to exploit oil in a marine area close to the mouth of the Amazon River. Oil drilling, an issue discussed in different meetings over the past months by ecclesial movements and environmentalists, has been a problem in several […]