Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Norwegian prelate resigns at 63 (Nordic Bishops Conference (German))

Bishop Berislav Grgić, who was led the Territorial Prelature of Tromsø (Norway) since 2009, has resigned at the age of 63. “My health is not good,” said the prelate, who came to Norway from Bosnia and Herzegovina. “That is the reason why I have personally asked Pope Francis for release from my duties.” Pope Francis […]

Ecumenical Patriarch deplores ecological effects of war (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

In his message for September 1, the beginning of the Orthodox liturgical year and a solemn day of prayer for the natural environment, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople emphasized that “every act of war is also a war against creation inasmuch as it is a grievous threat against the natural environment.” “The struggle for human […]

They’re Trying To Cancel Bishop Barron For Speaking The Truth

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Letters to the editor on the Eucharistic Revival

Letters to the editor: NCR readers respond to an essay where Fr. John Heagle says as we prepare for the National Eucharistic Congress in 2024, something is missing. He urges the U.S. bishops to reclaim the Gospel vision and early Christianity’s practice of nonviolent love.

Day 244: Susanna’s Righteousness (2023)

Fr. Mike reflects on the story of Susanna’s righteousness in the book of Daniel. While celebrating Susanna’s virtue, Daniel’s wisdom, and God’s faithfulness, Fr. Mike also warns us that, like the corrupt elders in the story, we too can allow our hearts to become perverted by the things we fix our eyes on. The readings […]

Pope praises Russian composer, tells American Catholics to ‘move on’

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE – On his flight from Rome to Ulaanbaatar for a 4-day trip to Mongolia, Pope Francis told journalists that he finds diplomacy difficult and recommended listening to a prominent Russian composer to get a feel for the region. In a brief greeting on his Aug. 31 ITA Airways flight, the pope […]