Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

New World Order: Pope Francis’ Lieutenant blasphemes Jesus Christ

Pope Francis’ silence on the recent blasphemy of the Lord Jesus Christ by one of his close confidants is an advance of the New World Order within the Catholic Church. Father Antonio Spadaro S.J., one of Pope Francis’ close friends and advisers, recently blasphemed Jesus Christ, calling Him “stymied and callous” and “indifferent.” Pope Francis […]

New World Order: Pope Francis’ Lieutenant blasphemes Jesus Christ

Pope Francis’ silence on the recent blasphemy of the Lord Jesus Christ by one of his close confidants is an advance of the New World Order within the Catholic Church. Father Antonio Spadaro S.J., one of Pope Francis’ close friends and advisers, recently blasphemed Jesus Christ, calling Him “stymied and callous” and “indifferent.” Pope Francis […]

Were the Crusades Bad? – Apologetics # 21

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by starting to look at some of the more controversial aspects of Church History. Over the next 6 episodes, we’ll have Dr. John Rao join us to look at the “hot button issues” that are commonly used to attack the faith. Today we’ll […]

Were the Inquisitions Bad? Apologetics #22

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by by diving into the messy world of the Inquisitions. And it all starts with the basic concept of how should the Church deal with heresies? What does a trial for a crime against truth look like – and what should it look […]

Did the Catholic Church Commit Cultural Genocide? Apologetics #23

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by looking at the broad topic of Colonization. For hundreds of years, the critics argue, the Catholic Church spearheaded a cultural genocide across the globe, replacing vibrant indigenous cultures with white European culture. So… is it true? What impact did the Church have […]

A time to remember

It’s been 60 years since the “I Have a Dream” speech, 50 years since the publication of “A Theology of Liberation” and 10 years since the death of the outstanding Irish poet, Seamus Heaney