Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

OSV News Showcase | September 1, 2023

As we enter the month of September, I find it apropos the Ulma family and their unborn child will be beatified Sept. 10. We’ve had a number of stories about them lately (and more to come!), but it’s inspiring to have their quiet, simple witness in my current circumstances. I’m dashing this Showcase off from […]

CLIP | Bishop Strickland: Catholics are not ‘schismatic’ for rejecting THIS

Bishop Joseph Strickland has issued a heartfelt pastoral message that sounds a cautionary note against the changes being advocated in the context of the Synod on Synodality. In his message, Bishop Strickland emphasizes the importance of adhering to the timeless doctrines of the Church. He encourages Catholics to remain rooted in these foundational teachings even […]

Far-left OB/GYN group declares abortion should be available ‘without limitations’

American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, considered one of America’s foremost ‘authorities’ on women’s health, declared, ‘Abortion is safe. It improves and saves lives, and it must be available without restrictions, without limitations and without barriers — just as any other critical part of health care.’Read More