Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Bishop of Tyler, TX, Talks to Terry Barber

In this episode, Bp. Joseph Strickland speaks with Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio about the necessary role of the Church in the salvation of souls. They discuss a recent pastoral letter by Bp. Strickland to his flock, in which he affirmed the Church’s teaching on the matter. That doctrine is often summed up […]

Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s 3 secrets to powerful preaching and evangelization…..

I previously outlined what might be considered the philosophy of education of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. That piece detailed some of the bishop’s impressive legacy and unpacked the philosophy that animated his teaching career and his commitment to Catholic education. Having looked closely at his principles, I would like to turn now to Sheen’s praxis. […]

Catholicism makes everything interesting and exciting…

If all of human knowing is done through some combination of faith and reason, it is essential for Catholic teachers to consider the particular synthesis of Christian faith and reason, the worldview that follows from this synthesis, and its tremendous impact on human knowing and human culture. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine any worldview […]

Opus Dei may have to seek new status under canon law, says spokesman…

A leading member of Opus Dei and its spokesman in the UK has suggested that in light of revisions made recently by Pope Francis to the nature of “personal prelatures”, a status Opus Dei has held under Church law since 1982, the group may be forced to seek another category that better reflects its inner […]