Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Why the Queen of Belgium can wear white when meeting the pope

Queen Mathilde of Belgium is one of only a few women in the world who can wear white, rather than the customary black, when meeting the pope for an official private audience at the Vatican. She arrived at the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace with her … […]

Mexican pro-life groups question validity of high court’s abortion decision

MEXICO CITY (OSV News) — The Mexican bishops’ conference expressed dismay with a recent Supreme Court ruling, decriminalizing abortion on the federal level. Along with several Mexican pro-life groups, they questioned the validity of the Sept. 6 decision, arguing it applies to the litigant and is not applicable nationwide. In a Sept. 7 statement, the […]

On synod secrecy, does Pope Francis risk destroying the village in order to save it?

As first reported yesterday by Loup Besmond of La Croix, Pope Francis apparently is considering imposing pontifical secrecy on the upcoming Synod of Bishops on synodality, not simply on opinions and votes, as was past practice, but on all issues addressed during synod discussions.The stated aim would be to protect the frankness and honesty of […]

On the illogic and insanity of sedevacantism…

By now it is common knowledge among Catholics who follow social media that the firebrand and rogue traditionalist priest Fr. James Altman has formally declared, in a video posted to YouTube, that Pope Francis is not really the pope and is in fact an anti-pope. This should come as no surprise since he said similar […]