Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

BREAKING: Pro-life rescuers found guilty in second DC FACE Act trial

Three pro-life rescuers on trial in the second of two high-profile federal trials concerning an October, 2020 rescue effort at a Washington, D.C. abortion center were today found guilty on all charges and immediately incarcerated. The news comes after five other pro-life activists involved in the same rescue were similarly found guilty on all charges […]

Vatican: a Heretic Appointed to the Dicastery for Culture

On January 1, 2024, Antonio Spadaro will take up his new position as “number three” at the dicastery chaired by Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, to which he has been a consultant since 2011. The Italian Jesuit was born on July 6, 1966 in Messina, Sicily. After studying philosophy, he entered the novitiate of the […]

Germany: The Progressives’ New Crusade

The progressives risk placing themselves on a rather slippery slope, by declaring war on the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. On August 15, 2023, the president of the ZdK declared that the members of this party, to which they assign the image of a muscular and uninhibited Right, should be prohibited from exercising any role […]

Is Pope Francis really the Pope? LifeSiteNews responds

On this special episode of Faith & Reason, John-Henry Westen is joined by guest hosts Father Charles Murr and LifeSiteNews senior editor Dorothy Cummings McLean to react to Father James Altman’s video denying the pontificate of Pope Francis.

Is Pope Francis really the Pope? LifeSiteNews responds

Is Pope Francis the true and legitimate pope? This question has been a recent subject of debate and speculation among faithful Catholics — reaching a fever pitch now more than ever with the upcoming Synod on Synodality. It is essential to rely on established historical records, and shocking current events, to determine the authenticity of […]