Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A narrow win for religious freedom in Maryland

Amid ongoing controversy over the tension between religious freedom and issues involving human sexuality, the Supreme Court of Maryland, in a four-to-three judgment, handed a narrow and significant victory to faith-based institutions in Doe v. […]

Being First Doesn’t Always Matter

TRANSCRIPT   I’m Michael Voris coming to you from on board our fall Retreat at Sea, trekking along the New England Coast and focusing on the very beginnings of Catholicism here in the United States. There really are two geographical centers of Catholic introduction to the New World. One was the Deep South, meaning the Gulf Coast area […]

En Marsella, el Papa Francisco lamenta el cierre de puertos a los migrantes

Por Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service MARSELLA, Francia (CNS) — El verdadero mal que azota a comunidades y países no es el creciente número de problemas, sino el colapso de la atención, dijo el Papa Francisco en una importante reunión en la que se discutieron los desafíos y oportunidades de las decenas de países que […]