Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil ahead of Synod approaches

Pope Francis invites leaders of Churches from different denominations to join him in prayer on September 30 entrusting the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod, together, to the Holy Spirit. Read all  

Pope: Child sexual abuse concerns the entire society

Addressing a delegation of the Latin American Research and Training Commission for the Protection of Minors (CEPROME), Pope Francis highlights the progress made by the Church in eradicating the scourge of child sexual abuse, which he notes, affects the entire society. Read all  

Why Are Americans Having Fewer Children Than They Want?

Studies show that Americans want more children than they are currently having. When asked what they view as the ideal family size, Americans still say two to three children, even as the birthrate continues to decline. Perhaps more surprising, the number of respondents who say the ideal family size is three or more children has […]

To Be Based or Not to Be Based

Are you based? A few years ago, such a question was nonsensical; after all, what does it even mean to be “based?” Based on what? But now it’s the term thrown around on social media and the basis (no pun intended) of a way of living. For those of you, like me, who are no […]

Episcopal Church’s National Cathedral replaces windows honoring Confederacy (AP)

The Episcopal Church’s Washington National Cathedral has replaced stained glass windows honoring Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson with windows honoring African-American marchers. The United Daughters of the Confederacy donated the former windows in 1953. “The original windows, complete with Confederate battle flags, had depicted Lee and Jackson as saintlike figures, with Lee bathed in […]