Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

US bishops ‘stand ready’ to help congressional leaders avert government shutdown (USCCB)

Archbishop Timothy Broglio, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, told congressional leaders that “the Catholic bishops of the United States stand ready to work with leaders of both parties” to avert a government shutdown. In a September 21 letter, Archbishop Broglio reiterated the USCCB’s federal funding priorities and concerns about immigration […]

Papal reflection on parable of the workers in the vineyard (Vatican Press Office)

During his Sunday Angelus address on September 24, Pope Francis reflected on Matthew 20:1-16, the Gospel reading of the day. “God goes out at all hours to call us,” and he “repays everyone with the same ‘coin,’ which is his love,” Pope Francis said in his address, delivered to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. […]

Pope renews call for ‘right not to emigrate’ (Vatican Press Office)

On September 24, the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis reiterated that “there ought to exist the right to not emigrate.” “Today is World Day of Migrants and Refugees, on the theme ‘Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay,’ to recall that to migrate should be a free choice, and […]

Take leap of faith and dare to love your family, those in need, Pope says in Marseille (CNS)

Pope Francis concluded his apostolic journey to Marseille by celebrating Mass in the Stade Vélodrome, a multipurpose stadium. During his homily, the Pontiff reflected on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s visitation to St. Elizabeth. “The experience of faith, first and foremost, elicits a certain leaping in the face of life,” he preached. “Besides enabling us to […]

Education Toward Sanity

Study Everything. Do Anything.” So reads a T-shirt I got from Notre Dame’s arts and humanities college, my alma mater. As written, it seems a fine motto.  Pope St. John Paul II championed education that “combines excellence in humanistic and cultural development with specialized professional training.” As practiced, I’m less confident.  Continue Reading »

A Theology of Distraction

Some days it’s just hard to get out of bed. Each morning we confront our prosaic disappointments and life regrets again; these mix with global news of raging wildfires, impending hurricanes, and an ugly war on the other side of the world. The anguish of it all smothers us like a heavy blanket. Christina Rossetti, […]

The 1978 Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry, pt. II

Above: Albino Luciani, John Paul I.  Read part I here. Some light at the end of the tunnel shone with the more positive reception of Archbishop Gagnon’s evidence, with the next Pontiff, John Paul I. The new Holy Father did not waste time and did not put off Gagnon’s request to present his report. Unlike […]