Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

“Night shall be thrice night over you”: The Church’s revolutions…

In 1489 the Catholic Church felt, and was, hemmed into a corner of the world. The view from Rome was of Africa and Asia long lost to heretical churches or to Islam, and Europe divided between Catholicism and Orthodoxy (itself seen as heretical), while Ottoman power advanced relentlessly up the Balkans. By 1689 the shattering […]

Identifying the Problem is Only Half the Battle

Three weeks ago Fr. James Altman released a video titled, “Bergoglio is not the Pope.” In it, Altman goes through a litany of complaints against the Francis pontificate, from scandal to corruption to promoting heresy. He then concludes that because of this evidence, Jorge Bergoglio cannot be the pope. When Catholics, including me, disputed this […]

Papal almoner opens shelter in Lviv after drone attack destroyed warehouse

(OSV News) — Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, papal almoner and prefect of the Dicastery for the Service of Charity went to Ukraine for the seventh time to open the Mercy House of Shelter for women and children in Lviv Sept. 22. The house was already under construction when the war broke out Feb. 24, 2022, but […]

Bishops helping Congress: The one thing needful?

I was glad to see that the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops included the need to reduce “unsustainable deficits” in his offer to help congressional leaders avert a government shutdown. Phil Lawler had emphasized this very problem last Thursday in The debt limit as a moral test, though he also noticed […]

Europe Needs Hope, Pope Francis Says

Daniel Ibanez/CNA Pope Francis smiles during his general audience in St. Peter’s Square Sept. 27, 2023. ‘How can young people, who are poor in hope, closed in on their private lives, worried about managing their own precariousness, open themselves to meeting others and to sharing?’

The Synod’s opponents go on the offensive

While conspiracy-oriented efforts to discredit the upcoming Synod assembly on the Church’s future remain marginal, they could impact the way the unprecedented gathering is perceived