Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican archbishop, at UN, urges steps toward disarmament (Vatican Press Office)

Speaking to a UN conference on prospects for nuclear disarmament, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Secretary for Relations with States, said: Achieving the total elimination of nuclear weapons requires a collective response based on mutual trust. The International community must continue to explore ways to enhance cooperative security toward that end.

Belgian bishop complains Vatican won’t move against disgraced colleague (AP)

Bishop Johann Bonny of Antwerp, Belgium has complained about the Vatican’s failure to take disciplinary action against a retired bishop accused of sexual abuse. Bishop Roger Vangheluwe of Bruges resigned in 2010, after admitting to “a little bit of intimacy” with two nephews. He has subsequently been the subject of other abuse complaints. Bishop Bonny […]

Papal abuse commission issues scathing statement on continued abuse cover-ups (Crux)

Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has issued a strongly worded statement decrying the “tragically harmful deficiencies” in the handling of sex-abuse complaints. “Every day seems to bring forth new evidence of abuse, as well as cover up and mishandling by Church leadership around the world,” the commission said. The September 27 statement from […]

Actor Mark Wahlberg Honors the Blessed Virgin Mary in Viral Video

Actor and producer Mark Wahlberg recently paid homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary in a video published on his official Instagram account. While the Sept. 24 video is brief and contains a shoutout to the Hallow App, it also loudly proclaims his love for the Catholic faith and Our Lady. While praying and making the […]

CLIP: Communism will never destroy the Catholic Church. Here’s why

Throughout history, communists have relentlessly attempted to dismantle the Catholic Church. However, the Catholic Church, despite enduring violence, forced lockdowns, media manipulation, and misinformation campaigns, has stood resolute for over 2,000 years. It has given rise to remarkable martyrs—individuals who sacrificed their lives for the truth about the Catholic Church. For more on this, watch […]