Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

1029: 5 Cardinals Question Pope Francis on 5 Controversies [Podcast]

The 5 Cardinals are: Burke, Brandmüller, Sarah, Zen, and Íñiguezto. They have submitted 2 sets of dubia regarding female ordination, marriage, and other topics slotted for debate at Pope Francis’s controversial Synod on Synodality this October. Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: If the audio player does not show up in your email […]

CLIP: 1 Million March 4 Children REJECTS Canadian LGBT insanity | Kamel El-Cheikh

Kamel El-Cheikh, a prominent pro-family Muslim activist, leads the impactful 1 Million March 4 Children movement. This initiative staunchly opposes the harmful consequences of the LGBT agenda, especially concerning children. El-Cheikh underscores the paramount importance of shielding children’s innocence from the influence of gender ideology, a set of values advanced by Canada’s LGBT lobby. He […]