Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

1030: Did Pope Francis just approve Same-Sex Blessings? [Podcast]

Pope Francis has instructed clergy that they can decide whether to “bless” people under certain situations. Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. Dr. Taylor Marshall’s newest book: Antichrist and Apocalypse: The 21 Prophecies of Revelation Unveiled […]

October 4, 2023

Pope Open to Gay Blessings? Hints at openness in select circumstances. FULL STORY Priest Notes Complaints of ‘Patriarchal’ Church Dominican addresses pre-synod retreat in Rome. FULL STORY Priest Defends Gay Priests James Martin says number of gay clerics is unknown. FULL STORY Newsom Taps Pro-Abort Lesbian Laphonza Butler to fill in for CA’s late Sen. Feinstein. FULL STORY Unlawful Crossings Reach New […]

4-7 October: Pachamama Atonement Days – ACTION ITEMS!

It’s the anniversary of the demonic pagan worship in the Vatican Gardens (4 Oct).  The demonic bowl was placed on the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica on 7 Oct. As a priest friend of mine wrote about “atonement” days. … Read More →

Illegal Alien Crisis Implicates Cdl. Timothy Dolan

  TRANSCRIPT   As the ecclesiastical train wreck that is Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality gets underway in Rome today, Church Militant will be bringing you every bit you need to know of the day’s events from our Rome correspondent Jules Gomes on the ground in the Eternal City, in our much-loved broadcast rome dispatch, hosted here in […]

El Papa responde a las “dudas” de cinco cardenales

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — La Iglesia Católica, en búsqueda de la “prudencia pastoral”, debería discernir si hay formas de dar bendiciones a personas homosexuales que no alteren la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre el matrimonio, dijo el Papa Francisco. En respuesta a una carta de “dubia” que le enviaron cinco cardenales pidiendo aclaraciones sobre […]

Dictatorship in Nicaragua arrests three priests

(From left to right) Father Julio Ricardo Norori, Father Iván Centeno, and Father Cristóbal Gadea were arrested Oct. 1, 2023, by the Nicaraguan government. / Credit: San Juan Evangelista Parish of San Juan del Río Coco, Madriz / Divina Providenc… […]