ROME 23/10 – Day 06: Pointed comments and puntarelle

In Rome today the sun rose at 07:10 and will set at 18:46.  The Ave Maria should sound at 19:00. This is a 1st Friday!  See to your devotions. Devotions are more important than ever, I think, for our troubled … Read More →

Bridges of Iowa Offers Path to Freedom From Addiction

Clockwise from left: A stained-glass window in the chapel of Bridges of Iowa, a drug-rehabilitation facility in Des Moines, Iowa. Don Lamberti, founder of Bridges of Iowa, hugs a graduate of the program; at left is Don’s wife, Charlene Lamberti. Aisha Ewald, 40, a 2014 graduate, addresses recent graduates during a graduation ceremony on Sept. […]

Can Doctrinal “Development” Flout the Laws of Logic?

Above: Cardinal Burke at the Vatican. The new “Dubia Brothers” include two of the original four (the other two now deceased), plus the modern confessor Cardinal Zen, the contemplative Cardinal Sarah, and Mexican stalwart Cardinal Íñiguez. Editor’s note: as the subject of doctrinal development is at the heart of the new Dubia, and indeed, the […]

Sophie the Cat’s Lesson on the Complementary of the Sexes

My sister and brother-in-law have a vacation home on the ocean just outside of Newport, Rhode Island. This is the kind of place where, from the moment you arrive, the outside world immediately takes a back seat. A unique hybrid somewhere between charming and enchanting. The natural beauty is only surpassed by the genuinely warm […]

“Saints, not worldly” – Pope’s new book hits stores

The Vatican Publishing House LEV releases Pope Francis “Saints, not worldly. God’s grace saves us from interior corruption” , a new book collecting two texts published at different times: an article dating back to 1991, with the original title “Corrupción y pecado” , then republished in 2005, when Jorge Maria Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos […]