Synod Files: Zen and the Art of Narrative Maintenance, Plus Hosts and Fried Eggs…

Yesterday’s big news out of the Synod of Bishops really did come from outside, i.e., it didn’t emanate from within the Paul VI Audience Hall where the event is taking place, but rather from someone who isn’t even there: 91-year-old Cardinal Joseph Zen, the retired Bishop of Hong Kong, whose Sept. 21 critical letter made […]

Vatican Secretariat of State Frozen Out on Climate Change Doc ‘Laudate Deum’…

The Vatican’s diplomatic office was shut out of the drafting process ahead of Pope Francis’ Wednesday apostolic exhortation Laudate deum, according to sources close to the process, despite several sections of the text which focused on international policy and policy-making. One senior Vatican source told The Pillar that the freeze-out has left officials in the […]