Laudate Deum: Pope Francis’ Mistaken Apocalypse

As easy as it is to criticize the actions and statements of Pope Francis, especially in light of how popes have traditionally spoken and acted, there is something about his pontificate that is not wholly different than his predecessors’. I hear him speak of his insistence on a moral decay present in the world, often […]

When Science Fiction Becomes Historical Fiction

If I tell you that there’s a very interesting and handsomely produced book on “Sci-Fi Art of the 1970s” just out, a few of you kindred spirits will plan to acquire it immediately; many of you, alas, will proceed to click on something else. Please pause a moment before you do so. Continue Reading »

What is the sound of a woman leaving the church?

In the synod on synodality, ostensibly convened to consider a “new way of being church,” we’re asked to imagine this can be done without considering women’s equal and full participation. This is where I entered, and where I exit.