Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope: To celebrate Mary is to celebrate the tenderness of God

The Blessed Virgin Mary is “our mother” and “advocate” who “unties the knots,” and to “celebrate her, is to celebrate the tenderness of God,” Pope Francis underscored during his meeting in the Vatican with the Confraternity of Our Lady of Montserrat on the 800th anniversary of its foundation. Read all  

Good news from “Walking Together about Walking Togetherity”

Good news! I spoke with a synod voting delegate, one of the 27% who are not Bishops. Direct quote: “there are more delegates at the synod who defend the traditional Latin mass than you can imagine.” Pernicious terms like “inclusivity” … Read More →

A saint and a sea battle: How the rosary saved Christian Europe

null / Credit: Günther Simmermacher/pixabay Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 7, 2023 / 04:00 am (CNA). As nearly 300 Ottoman ships closed in on Europe, intent on conquest and toppling the cross above St. Peter’s Basilica to replace it with their own banner, Pope Pius V called for another crusade. But this crusade, called in 1571, […]

The Rosary: Overcoming evil and making reparation

The Church dedicates the month of October to the Rosary, that simple but beautiful prayer filled with holy power. The Rosary offers us a great weapon in spiritual battle. After the Mass, no other prayer […]